Minecraft is a game of blocks created by mojang. As seen below.

If you have played Minecraft before then this will probably give you some tips. If you haven’t played the game then this will teach you how to play the game and improve your skills let’s get started!


When Minecraft first came out in May 17th 2009 it was a much smaller game than it is today. Minecraft has been upgraded throughout the years. Today it’s a much bigger and funner then it used to be… Way more. Here is a photo of of the ways people made creations back then and how they make them now.

Back then…

Right now!

Yep… You tell me, right now it’s not a different game right? Tell me right now it isn’t “Tell me. TELL ME!!!.” Why tell me? Cause it isn’t. “PLEASE TELL ME!!!”


Now to tell you about what’s in Minecraft. First I’m going to tell you about mobs. In Minecraft mob is a monster which can be friendly hostile or passive. There are many types of mobs some of the hostiles are Zombies, Spiders, and Skeletons. Some of the passive’s are Sheep, Cows, and Pigs. There are only a few friendly mobs in Minecraft three are Ocelots (which turn into cats) Wolves (which turn into dogs) and Parrots (no change) (the complete lists will be later on).


Next I’ll tell you about biomes just like in real life Minecraft has different terrain and habitats. The most common biomes are the Desert biomes, Tagia biomes, and the Oak forest biome there are also some rare biomes such as the ice spikes biomes and the mesa biome.

Oak forest!
Ice spikes!

There are also some other dimensions these two dimensions are called the Nether and the End the only ways to get to these two dimensions are portals which you will learn more about in part two.


Hope you enjoyed part one! In the next part we’ll be indexing everything in the introduction (there are a lot)!

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